Amar Pujo, Tomar Pujo, SobarĀ PujošŸ™‚

The very mention of Durga Pujo brings a gust of joy in our minds and a rather large grin on our faces. And for me, the best part of this festival, which is synonymous to happiness, has always been that nobody is left out of this one, big party.

This is the time when the young and the old, the rich and the poor, and everyone in between, dress up in their best clothes, feast on their favorite food, annd dance to the dhol trance. And when it comes to celebrations, definitely the more the merrier it is!

Durga Pujo is a prison break, from the mundane routine-bound lives of ours, when we truly appreciate the joys of life, together with our friends, family and neighbours. The political borders of state, the mental barriers of class and creed, all disappear into oblivion, as we all gather to celebrate the festival of victory of Good over Evil.

Durga Pujo also certainly means Freedom. Freedom to stay out on the streets all night, freedom to eat that Roshogolla which the doctor so strictly forbade, freedom to make new friends in the parar pujo and of course. the freedom to let go of all the stress and strain of daily life.

Yes, Durga Pujo is Competitive too. It starts with who gets to bag the coveted post of the Secretary of the Pujo Committee. Will it be the experienced Mr. Bose like last year, or will it be young and energetic Ms. Puri? And once that is decided, and the D-days are here, thereā€™s competition between the grandeur of the Pujos themselves. But thereā€™s no loser in these competitions, but people who just get more determined to put in more efforts the next year. Because above everything, this is a celebration of joy, unity and the power of goodness.

In keeping with the real spirit of the Pujo, letā€™s hope the good unites against the evil and emerges triumphant, year after year. Dugga Dugga!

And this video truly captures the spirit of the festival and reinforces that indeed, Durga Pujo is for Everyone!


2 thoughts on ā€œAmar Pujo, Tomar Pujo, SobarĀ PujošŸ™‚ā€

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