My V-Day hitch !


Every year, this time round, I am hit by severe Agoraphobia- fear of going out in public places. And I have my father-in-law to blame for that. The condition was still manageable five to six years back, but since then things have gone severely downhill. The fact that I cannot possibly find a cure for … Continue reading My V-Day hitch !

The Curious Case of Lebuda 


Taking a sip from the freshly brewed makaibari tea Prasad had just served him, Lebuda glanced on the day’s paper. It had been a week since his last case, and he was feeling bored. Patesh had called him up last night to enquire about his health. “Bhalo achi re….”, he had replied. Physically there wasn't … Continue reading The Curious Case of Lebuda 

Pondicherry Pointers- Things to do in Pondy


Simple yet pretty, chic yet spiritual, flamboyant yet restrained...Pondicherry indeed is a rare concoction. It was during December 2015 that we first met this place and needless to say we fell in love. A three and half hour drive from Chennai airport transported us to the French Riviera of the East, where we spent a … Continue reading Pondicherry Pointers- Things to do in Pondy

And thus, I became a father !


I still remember the time my wife gave me the news that we were pregnant. I couldn’t help but scratch my head in bewilderment, “What? Really? You sure? Should we...mmmm check again? “ But the one cardinal thing that the few years of marriage has taught me is not to question the statement of the … Continue reading And thus, I became a father !

Pujo Mane….


Durga Pujo in Kolkata for me is a magical time. Crazy pujo shopping, crazier pandal hopping, gorging on fancy and street foods, new shoes and blisters on the feet, and to top it all- the unparalleled spirit and those big broad smiles everywhere… yes it  indeed is the BIG BONG CARNIVAL! With a few more … Continue reading Pujo Mane….

The Night Before the Exams !


Two days left for my finals. And I'm writing an article on the blog ? Because I have realized it's futile to study anything now. There's far too much  to cover than I possibly can in two weeks, let alone two days. I better accept gracefully what my destiny is. Atleast go down in history … Continue reading The Night Before the Exams !

O Hori ! Harry was a Bangali ?

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“Issh, it's 10 o' clock and you are still sleeping ?” In came a kick to the belly. Harry jumped up from his sleep. “Get up, you lazy bone and get some groceries. I need to cook our lunch”, Aunt Petunia boomed. Harry was forced out of the house, a few notes of muggle money … Continue reading O Hori ! Harry was a Bangali ?

My Experiments with Quizzing


Singing. Dancing. Quizzing. The three mistakes of my life. Just could have been the tagline of my autobiography too. But I had been prudent enough not to let that happen. But only until……well, shit happens in the end- and we get tempted to things we shouldn’t, by sheer peer pressure. Specially, when you are part … Continue reading My Experiments with Quizzing

The Blue Ink Day


We have lived in the city long enough to know its pulse and flavor by heart now, and so even a minute deviation from the usual  doesn’t go unnoticed. Yesterday was one such day. The city had gone to elections, and given the not-so-peaceful reports of polls in certain areas over the last month, people … Continue reading The Blue Ink Day

The Great Divide- Saraswati Puja and Valentine’s Day

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It is a war…it really is, as the ‘lal-pere basanti saree’ takes head on with red roses, red teddies and red ‘everythings’ at this time of the year. Especially so in typical Bengali households. Yes, it the great Saraswati Pujo/Valentine’s Day divide. Who can deny the charm of those stealing glances, coy smiles and impromptu … Continue reading The Great Divide- Saraswati Puja and Valentine’s Day

Zeroed on Zero resolutions


With December almost nearing its end, that dreaded time of the year is here again- when I need to review my past year’s resolutions and make new ones. Though this year has been enriching (in terms of my waistline at least), I could not manage to tick off many in my list of resolutions of … Continue reading Zeroed on Zero resolutions

Baba Nam-Dev

Whats in a name

It’s been some time since our Blog has been up, but we are still running a non-profit organization. So we decided to consult “someone”.