My Experiments with Quizzing

Singing. Dancing. Quizzing. The three mistakes of my life.

Just could have been the tagline of my autobiography too. But I had been prudent enough not to let that happen. But only until……well, shit happens in the end- and we get tempted to things we shouldn’t, by sheer peer pressure.

Specially, when you are part of an elite Whatsapp group of eleven, where everyone but you eats, sleeps and thinks on quizzes. Elite group? Yes, you heard me right- it’s one of its kind- where anyone who shares a harmless forward is thrown out the very next moment by the Ring Master. He is so serious about the ‘no forward’ rule that he can even throw himself out, should he give in to temptation. We hold our membership close to our chest, and guard it like a bird guards its newly laid eggs. I can even get ditched for that analogy.

The group has its share of millionaires, writers, social activists, CEOs and people who are all of these and much more. I am still scratching my head on how I got in there. I have tried sneaking out on a number of occasions, but willful defaulters are dealt with pretty harshly- which includes ‘ sham messages’ to wives and girlfriends. Hence I remain, silent most of the times.

But, with everyone playing quizzes every hour of the day, I decided to have a go.


How everyone else reacts to the prospect of a quiz tournament 
How i React 

“How much harm could it possibly do?”, I asked myself.

Like the ever-obedient student, who is desperate to prove his mettle to the class teacher, I downloaded the Quizzup app on Android Playstore and started practising like crazy. Till I started skipping my office work. Till I started losing my sanity. And getting kicked at home for neglecting ‘home-work’.



The next week I didn’t know what I was hit by. The event came and went. I was left like a bird grazed by the hurricane.

The inevitable had happened. I was placed in the bottom of the group. At least I had predicted my destiny well.

Me – Before The event
Me- After

But there’s something to learn from every mistake they say. It was a good exercise to make me realize there are things I do not excel in. A good lesson in humility, that is. So now whenever I go into my narcissist mode- just utter the word “quizzup” and I will be all sobered up.

And I am now more cautious not to venture into singing and dancing. It will be a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. Too many lessons in humility are not good for the soul.


Archya, in his own words, is the trying-to-be-global bangali babu, who is attempting to carve out a niche for himself in blogosphere, having had mixed results in Medicine Practice. In short, a struggling artist.
For his other articles on Blong…Shong, Click Here

17 thoughts on “My Experiments with Quizzing

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