The Words That You Believe In

“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” – Albus Dumbledore (J. K. Rowling) Most of us are aware of those lines, aren't we? Drawing from that, let's agree that words have power. In our muggle world too! Often more than what we … Continue reading The Words That You Believe In

Pandemic এ পুজো

পুজো তো প্রায় এসেই গেলো! তবে কি এই বছর কেমন যেনো  'feel' টা আসছেনা। কেনাকাটা শুরু করেছেন? আদৌ করবেন? সেই ছোটবেলা থেকে শুনে আসছি দুর্গা পুজো তে গায়ে নতুন কাপড় দিতে হয়ে, এবছর না হলে 'mask' ই দিলাম। তবু কি একটুও হইহুল্লোড় করবনা! কেজানে কি হবে?সেই গলধঘর্ম হয়ে ঠাকুর দেখা, লম্বা লাইন এ ভেপু বাজানো, … Continue reading Pandemic এ পুজো

Exploring Tbilisi

Tbilisi, the capital and the largest city of Georgia, won us over with subtle charms and gentle nudges. The city's picturesque architecture, an ever-lively arts and cultural scene, and the welcoming Georgian lifestyle is almost infectious. Numerous cafes serving good food, excellent range of lodging options from backpackers hostel to five star hotels, parks, plaza, … Continue reading Exploring Tbilisi

Getting around Georgia – 5 day itinerary

Good food Great wine Latticed balconies and cobbled streets Idyllic scenaries and breathtaking landscapes Unfettered hospitality and quite a bit of nightlife (for those who likes it), Georgia, holds in store something for every kind of traveller. This blog post will take you through a 5 day itinerary of this lesser known beautiful Eurasian province. … Continue reading Getting around Georgia – 5 day itinerary

Travel Plates – Georgia

Do we really want to travel in hermetically sealed popemobiles through the rural provinces of France, Mexico and the Far East, eating only in Hard Rock Cafes and McDonald's? Or do we want to eat without fear, tearing into the local stew, the humble taqueria's mystery meat, the sincerely offered gift of a lightly grilled … Continue reading Travel Plates – Georgia

Arabian Tea House – A gateway to Dubai’s past

Today we'd talk about Arabian Tea House, Dubai.Old-timers still like to call it the Basta Art Café. It is not an exaggeration to call this neighborhood and eatery a cultural reference point of Dubai. A journey into Dubai’s past could well begin through the door of this quaint tea house in the Al Fahidi Historical … Continue reading Arabian Tea House – A gateway to Dubai’s past

Souq’ing up Dubai

It is likely that the Dubai of our imagination comprises skyscrapers soaring towards a cloudless blue sky, mega malls sitting in the once arid and empty landscape, rows of sports cars gleaming in the untiring sunshine, residents and tourists frolicking in designer swimwear on white sand beaches, and, perhaps, the odd camel. That vision is … Continue reading Souq’ing up Dubai

Coffee Museum Dubai – a hidden gem

For those of you who know us, would also know that me and my husband worship coffee (and tea!). Coffee for us is not just a beverage. It is like that comfort zone where you want to curl up after a crappy day or perhaps like a tight hug by a loved one when you … Continue reading Coffee Museum Dubai – a hidden gem

Dressing up for Durga Puja- ‘Pujo r Shaaj’

The wait for Durga Puja starts from the moment it ends. So while the earth takes its fair share of 365 and a quarter day to complete this wait, the lesser mortals like us plan, schedule, shop and hope for the best 5 fun filled days of the year. Needless to say 'pujo ashche' is … Continue reading Dressing up for Durga Puja- ‘Pujo r Shaaj’

Bhatiar Gali, Ahmedabad – food and more

I am being rather honest and upfront when I say that my palatte has a innate inclination towards non vegetarian food. However, during our year long stay in Ahmedabad, one of the culinary challenges was the procurement of good non vegetarian food or raw material. While I would be lying if I say I did … Continue reading Bhatiar Gali, Ahmedabad – food and more

Sudder Street, Kolkata – Things to do

This was the place where Tagore penned his famous poetry 'Nirjhorer Swapnobhongo' in a sudden moment of epiphany. A place that was once looked down upon for its 'hippie culture', and availability of hashish and pimps alike, Sudder Street sure is that non conforming, defiant and Bohemian soul of Kolkata. Over the years it has … Continue reading Sudder Street, Kolkata – Things to do

Playing Tourist in your own City – Reasons why you should definitely do it

In life and times of 'bucketlists' and 'epic itineraries', the inevitable flipside is bored and broke!!! Afterall as much as we drool, gawk and crave for all the 'pinterest-y' destinations, we need to trudge through a lot of daily humdrum to plan and execute it. But does that mean we just sit back and sulk? … Continue reading Playing Tourist in your own City – Reasons why you should definitely do it