Playing Tourist in your own City – Reasons why you should definitely do it

In life and times of ‘bucketlists’ and ‘epic itineraries’, the inevitable flipside is bored and broke!!! Afterall as much as we drool, gawk and crave for all the ‘pinterest-y’ destinations, we need to trudge through a lot of daily humdrum to plan and execute it. But does that mean we just sit back and sulk? No! This is exactly where your good old city comes into the picture as a knight in shining armour.

Much like the old painting or wall-hanging in our rooms, we take the routine and the mundane as granted. Ignoring, passing by or just forgetting. Playing tourist in your own city can change this whole thing in a truly refreshing and healthy way.

So before I pen down some of my ideas of doing it right, here’s why this is a fabulous idea:

• so much less expensive than a vacation
• you meet new people
• you rediscover your own surroundings
• no long security checks
• you are Happy

So here goes our 7 ways to play the perfect tourist in your own city:

1) Visit the museum and historical places:

Instantly sets up the touristy feeling. With leaflets and the reinforcement of gaining some knowledge, you are a curious tourist already!!!

2) Explore newer fringes:
Step out of your daily perimeter. Take a walk around an unexplored area. Sit for a while in the humble tea shop round the corner and just be.

We found this tea shop in a nondescript lane off Amherst Street, Kolkata during a visit to my Ophthalmologist. The uniqueness of the little shop was the old clay stove (unun) and the small white porcelain cups and plates they still use for serving tea.

Tea always makes me happy

3) Re-visit old favorites:

Cool cafes, that favourite bhelpuri place or the favourite book shop – include them as well for a safe fall-back option.

Artsy Cafe in Elgin Road area is one of our favorites in town.

Raj Spanish Cafe, Sudder street is a very chilled-out, no-frills place, where you get good food at a pocket-friendly price. The place is hugely popular among the foreigners who visit Kolkata.

4) Use public transport instead of app cabs:

This is really important. The popular local transports give you the true vibes and feelings of your city.

Imagine yourself in a leisurely tram ride across the bustle and din of the Kolkata! Isn’t that a bliss?

5) Eat and Shop local:

Forget the plush, and indulge in the rustic for a day. Flea market picks and street-food does wonders to your mood!!

Humble breakfast with Pauruti (bread) and Ghugni ( yellow pea soup)

Enjoy a hearty Bengali meal at Swadhin Bharat Hindu Hotel in College Street area.

6) Be fun and get into the touristy mode:

Carry a backpack with water, umbrella, notebook and perhaps a tourist hat to get you in the mood. 😊😋

7) Go on a Staycation:

Taking a vacation is often easier said than done. There’s the planning, the budgeting, the packing—oh lord, the packing. Thankfully, taking a staycation is all the glory of taking a much-needed break, without the aforementioned gross parts.

And guess what? While you are at this, you are inching closer towards your next dream vacation already!!!

Tell us your thoughts😀

Stay Healthy, stay Happy!
– Team Blongshong


3 thoughts on “Playing Tourist in your own City – Reasons why you should definitely do it

  1. This is something we do all the time..and Kolkata is a place worth exploring,to the 70s lane of North kolkata to princep ghat and ganga,from Esplande to Nandan..we have it all.


  2. “Bari jabo”… The first thing that came to my mind seeing the Fb teaser of this article. The pictures, the writeup, everything is making me crave for Kolkata so much…


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