All that you never knew about Palm Oil! An evening of learning and more…

Did you know that we all consume Palm Oil in some way everyday? Well atleast I didn't! Palm oil is being used in Biscuits, Chocolates, common indian snacks, medicines and even cosmetics!! However, there is very little awareness among the general population about Palm Oil. A fun interactive evening was organised by the Malaysian Palm … Continue reading All that you never knew about Palm Oil! An evening of learning and more…

Nutrience Kids Fitness Studio- Towards a fit new generation

As adults we are always fretting about fitness and diets, to lose those extra kilos that we always tend to put on. But little do we realize that the seeds of good physical health are sown from childhood. In fact, childhood obesity is on the rise and has the potential to turn into one of … Continue reading Nutrience Kids Fitness Studio- Towards a fit new generation

Smoking Kills ?

4 am. It's been twenty hours into my first emergency duty. Four more  and I would get the day off. The last hour had been cool, and just as my eyelids were starting to droop, in came that dreaded sound of the collapsible gate being swung open. I jumped on my foot, another case. Another … Continue reading Smoking Kills ?

10 Things to do for a Good Sleep

Ernest Hemingway once said, "I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know !" The fact is, your life also tends to fall apart when you don't sleep well. By ‘well’,  I mean 5/6 hours of good, undisturbed sleep - the prescribed amount for humans, to get their … Continue reading 10 Things to do for a Good Sleep