The Kolkata Kebab Walk

Winters, Kolkata and Kebabs…well, all I can say is, it tastes even better than it sounds 🙂 It was a fine Saturday evening with that pleasant nip in the air, when I and my fellow Kebab hunters gathered at our first stop- Food Rocks Café. The otherwise nondescript place in a by-lane in the Beckbagan … Continue reading The Kolkata Kebab Walk

A Walk through the Food and Festivities of Eid


Eid-ul-Fitr, literally means the Feast or Festival of Breaking the Fast in Arabic. The smell of new clothes, the tinkle of colorful glass bangles, the joy of hugging fellow humans, and of course, the breaking of the rigorous month long fast, mark the day of Eid.

Being a non-muslim, with few muslim friends, the entire month of Ramadan, and the day of Eid was never really a thing that I could celebrate with much zest. My only connection with it was via our apartment’s caretaker, Nanku.  Since the time I remember, he has been extremely old and frail, but whenever asked about how old he he was, he would say forty years  (he was stuck at forty from my age of five years to twenty-five years). He was one my best friends in my growing up years and I used to see him wearing new, starched kurta- pajamas every Eid…

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