Confessions Of A Thirty Something

There was a time in my life when I actually believed in Superman, followed by a time when I thought I had the potential to be a multitasking Superwoman and this was further followed by a time, where I did not even bother to be super anyway. Quite obviously I had entered my thirties. I … Continue reading Confessions Of A Thirty Something

All that you never knew about Palm Oil! An evening of learning and more…

Did you know that we all consume Palm Oil in some way everyday? Well atleast I didn't! Palm oil is being used in Biscuits, Chocolates, common indian snacks, medicines and even cosmetics!! However, there is very little awareness among the general population about Palm Oil. A fun interactive evening was organised by the Malaysian Palm … Continue reading All that you never knew about Palm Oil! An evening of learning and more…

Oh! Paris

2017 ends in the next few hours. Expectedly, the year has given us a fair share of highs and lows, surprises and disappointments. But as I sit down with my diary on the penultimate day of the year I do realize how special a year this had been. We changed cities, my daughter turned one … Continue reading Oh! Paris

A Day in Lucerne

Guarded by snowcapped mountains and kissed by the crystal clear waters of lake Lucerne, Luzern/ Lucerne is sure one of the prettiest towns in Switzerland. A laid back old world charm, medieval architectures, the bustling lake side and the iconic Chapel Bride are most definitely the highlights of this beautiful, little place. While we went … Continue reading A Day in Lucerne

Fashion for the Mommy’s Soul – My Paris/ Zurich Look-Book

Of Baby, Mommy, Long Trip & Luggage Limits... What happens when panicky, finicky, lazy yet busy Mommy goes on a trip, with her baby girl in tow? Well the obvious answer is - potential chances of luggage limit violation! Don't you think that is quite legit? My munchkin needed her supply of diapers, baby food, … Continue reading Fashion for the Mommy’s Soul – My Paris/ Zurich Look-Book

Peppy Twists to Summer Basics

Dressing up in Summers can often be nightmarish for people like us, thronging the tropics of the Earth. Specially for outings during the day, even the thought of heavy clothes and chunky, metal jewellery is a blooper. From metal rashes, to melting makeup and from sweaty underarms to synthetics sticking to the body, summers can … Continue reading Peppy Twists to Summer Basics

The India Story

Weekends present me with a unique dilemma. How to best utilize the two days of much needed break I get from work? Having exhausted all possible avenues in the city, over the past few months, makes it a grim issue. I was brooding over this perennial weekend crisis, when I saw posters of “India Story” … Continue reading The India Story

Durga Puja- A Bengali’s Organized Mess

It’s Panchami and I am fretting around trying to figure out how to fit in those extra plans into my already packed schedule. Yes, it’s the Pujas in Kolkata and the next few days are going to be a hurricane. Three night outs, four day trips, two evening Addas, the Ashtami Anjali and Bhog- I … Continue reading Durga Puja- A Bengali’s Organized Mess

What’s Cooking at UberDine?

When was the last time your friends cooked for you? Last month, perhaps? And when was the last time movie stars cooked for you? For me, it was yesterday. As I opened the Uber App on my mobile a little before noon yesterday, to book a cab to meet a friend, I saw the option … Continue reading What’s Cooking at UberDine?

A Walk through the Food and Festivities of Eid


Eid-ul-Fitr, literally means the Feast or Festival of Breaking the Fast in Arabic. The smell of new clothes, the tinkle of colorful glass bangles, the joy of hugging fellow humans, and of course, the breaking of the rigorous month long fast, mark the day of Eid.

Being a non-muslim, with few muslim friends, the entire month of Ramadan, and the day of Eid was never really a thing that I could celebrate with much zest. My only connection with it was via our apartment’s caretaker, Nanku.  Since the time I remember, he has been extremely old and frail, but whenever asked about how old he he was, he would say forty years  (he was stuck at forty from my age of five years to twenty-five years). He was one my best friends in my growing up years and I used to see him wearing new, starched kurta- pajamas every Eid…

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That’s a Deal: My Favorite Flea Markets in the Country

What’s better than food therapy? Retail therapy, of course! Well, my sister and I should most definitely sign up for Shopaholics Anonymous, but this is an addiction we would rather keep. The only bad thing about shopping however is, it costs money. Well, I don’t see the Utopian idea of free stores being a reality … Continue reading That’s a Deal: My Favorite Flea Markets in the Country