Smoking Kills ?


4 am. It's been twenty hours into my first emergency duty. Four more  and I would get the day off. The last hour had been cool, and just as my eyelids were starting to droop, in came that dreaded sound of the collapsible gate being swung open. I jumped on my foot, another case. Another … Continue reading Smoking Kills ?

Dolly’s – The Tea Shop: Certainly my Cup of Tea

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Looking for that perfect Cuppa ? Here’s where you should be 🙂


This one used to be a usual haunt for me a few years back, but somehow, with the appearance of so many adda joints around, it got sidelined for months and years. This is the place which made me fall in love with tea, and made me understand that it is so much more than a syrupy hot brown liquid.

Today when i visited Dolly’s after years together, the place greeted me just like it used to. As I sat down in my favourite corner, a rehydrating shot of cold water with salt and sugar was given to me, along with a cool wet tissue to wipe off the sweat and grime. This was such a wonderful gesture in the sweltering heat of summer afternoons, that I instantly fell in love with them once again.

I am a sucker for their Corny-Cheesy Sandwich and also their Orange Julep. But I…

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Neerosha- Your one stop fashion fix


If you go weak on your knees the moment you hear ‘kantha’, ‘potochitro’, ‘batik’, and all that is ethnic, this boutique in Purnadas Road, Golpark, Kolkata is your best bet around. Literally translating to mean ‘pious’, “Neerosha” is the brainchild of  Rajnandinee and Srabonti- the duo who design and handpick every little item in this … Continue reading Neerosha- Your one stop fashion fix

The Near God Experience- Gurudongmar

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The atheists may disagree, the sceptics may frown but there are moments in our lives when we feel closer to The Divine. For what a rationalist would call an “AHA” moment, they  come mostly serendipitously and for other instances they have to be planned … yes much like the vacations and getaways! It was the … Continue reading The Near God Experience- Gurudongmar

The Blue Ink Day


We have lived in the city long enough to know its pulse and flavor by heart now, and so even a minute deviation from the usual  doesn’t go unnoticed. Yesterday was one such day. The city had gone to elections, and given the not-so-peaceful reports of polls in certain areas over the last month, people … Continue reading The Blue Ink Day