PGPX Diaries, Chapter 2: Classes, Cases and Crashes

“May Day. May Day. Crash landing imminent. Brace yourselves for impact. “ That’s the kind of message getting broadcasted in our minds right now. It’s been 2 weeks into the PGPX regime, and we are way past the ‘dreamy-eyed-so-excited-to-be-here’ phase. Reality has hit us, and hit us hard. From campus hopping selfie taking new recruits, … Continue reading PGPX Diaries, Chapter 2: Classes, Cases and Crashes

MBBS to MBA: 1st Day at PGPX, IIM Ahmedabad

This is Sparta. That is exactly the kind of feedback that I got from every alum I had tried to speak to when I had finally got a call for PGPX, at IIM, Ahmedabad. But such is the charisma of the institute that despite getting calls from some other top institutes from the country, I … Continue reading MBBS to MBA: 1st Day at PGPX, IIM Ahmedabad