Dressing up for Durga Puja- ‘Pujo r Shaaj’

The wait for Durga Puja starts from the moment it ends. So while the earth takes its fair share of 365 and a quarter day to complete this wait, the lesser mortals like us plan, schedule, shop and hope for the best 5 fun filled days of the year. Needless to say 'pujo ashche' is … Continue reading Dressing up for Durga Puja- ‘Pujo r Shaaj’

Holi Moly

With Holi knocking on our doors, this is perhaps the best time to share our thoughts about the occasion ! Some Mythology gyan The Term Holi stems from “Holika”, who was said to be the evil aunt of Prahlad, the son of demon king Hiranyakashipu. Unlike other Ideal sons of the country, Prahlad was not … Continue reading Holi Moly